AccountsGet account transaction with transfers Get account transaction with transfersRetrieves transaction details for a specific transaction including STX transfers for each transaction.GET/extended/v1/address/{principal}/{tx_id}/with_transfersGet account transaction information for specific transactionNOTE: This endpoint is deprecated in favor of Get events for an address transaction.Retrieves transaction details for a given Transaction Id tx_id, for a given account or contract Identifier.Path ParametersprincipalRequiredstringStacks address or a contract identifierExample: "SP3FBR2AGK5H9QBDH3EEN6DF8EK8JY7RX8QJ5SVTE"tx_idRequiredstringTransaction idExample: "0x34d79c7cfc2fe525438736733e501a4bf0308a5556e3e080d1e2c0858aad7448"Status codeDescription200Success404Not found/extended/v1/address/{principal}/{tx_id}/with_transfersSendPathcURLJavaScriptcurl -X GET ""200Transaction with STX transfers for a given addressResponse{ "tx": { "tx_id": "string", "nonce": 0, "fee_rate": "string", "sender_address": "string", "sponsor_nonce": 0, "sponsored": true, "sponsor_address": "string", "post_condition_mode": "allow", "post_conditions": [ { "principal": { "type_id": "principal_origin" }, "condition_code": "sent_equal_to", "amount": "string", "type": "stx" } ], "anchor_mode": "on_chain_only", "block_hash": "string", "block_height": 0, "block_time": 0, "block_time_iso": "string", "burn_block_height": 0, "burn_block_time": 0, "burn_block_time_iso": "string", "parent_burn_block_time": 0, "parent_burn_block_time_iso": "string", "canonical": true, "tx_index": 0, "tx_status": "success", "tx_result": { "hex": "string", "repr": "string" }, "event_count": 0, "parent_block_hash": "string", "is_unanchored": true, "microblock_hash": "string", "microblock_sequence": 0, "microblock_canonical": true, "execution_cost_read_count": 0, "execution_cost_read_length": 0, "execution_cost_runtime": 0, "execution_cost_write_count": 0, "execution_cost_write_length": 0, "events": [ { "event_index": 0, "event_type": "smart_contract_log", "tx_id": "string", "contract_log": { "contract_id": "string", "topic": "string", "value": { "hex": "string", "repr": "string" } } } ], "tx_type": "token_transfer", "token_transfer": { "recipient_address": "string", "amount": "string", "memo": "string" } }, "stx_sent": "string", "stx_received": "string", "stx_transfers": [ { "amount": "string", "sender": "string", "recipient": "string" } ], "ft_transfers": [ { "asset_identifier": "string", "amount": "string", "sender": "string", "recipient": "string" } ], "nft_transfers": [ { "asset_identifier": "string", "value": { "hex": "string", "repr": "string" }, "sender": "string", "recipient": "string" } ] }TypescriptGet account transactions with transfersGet nft events